by | 20 Sep 2013 | Fitness
Ok everyone! How do you want to look for summer? Get ready here it is…Summer Boot Camp starts 14th October-fun, hard work, challenging, it’s for all levels- beginners and the super fit, gain strength, get fit…oh and don’t forget the fun part! I...
by | 18 Sep 2013 | Classes, Featured, Fitness, Weight Loss
Get2it Fitness Car Competition! Get ready to win! Spot the car, take a photo post it on your page and tag me in it. Every photo that you take and post puts you in the draw. Prize of your choice (one of the following) – free entry into sugar free challenge or...
by | 9 Sep 2013 | Classes, Featured, Fitness, Weight Loss
“Food is the most abused anxiety drug- Exercise is the most underutilised antidepressant”……Does this apply to you? If so you are not alone, food can be a great comfort during stressful times, unfortunately when we use food like this it...
by | 1 Sep 2013 | Classes, Featured, Weight Loss
I’m in the process of putting together a new online program and I need help naming it… The program is focussing on sugar free, some raw food (which means foods that have not been heated beyond 47 degrees. I have worked hard to ensure all...
by | 30 Aug 2013 | Classes, Featured, Fitness, Weight Loss
I have just received this testimonial from Karen- Thank you Karen for sharing your story- my hope is your story will encourage someone to start their own journey to a healthier lifestyle. “Wow, where to start. Tracy Adams is a star in my eyes! During the 12...